Privacy Policy
At Eco Bag Plus, we respect your privacy to the highest standards.
When you place an order, Eco Bag Plus collects your information in order to process your order or request. We may share your information with service providers that provide us with support services, such as credit card processing, website hosting, email delivery, location mapping, postal mail processing and delivery. We require the companies to refrain from using and disclosing your information except when they are performing work for us or when the disclosure of your information is required by law.
Eco Bag Plus assumes if you request a catalogue or place an order with us that you will accept an occasional newsletter or update of our offerings. If you wish to be removed from our list, please send us an email stating your request. Customer support/questions about this privacy statement is available Monday through Friday 9 :00AM to 5:00PM EST. Email questions can be placed any time to